By first sourcing and inserting the initial funding and providing low-cost Research (R)
management and consulting. Continually moving technology to an efficient, effective,
self-contained, self-funded Development (D) lab. This innovative 21st Business Century
technology-driven concept will transform traditional R&D programs while introducing
research opportunities to small and mid-size businesses.
management and consulting. Continually moving technology to an efficient, effective,
self-contained, self-funded Development (D) lab. This innovative 21st Business Century
technology-driven concept will transform traditional R&D programs while introducing
research opportunities to small and mid-size businesses.
Under Construction – More to Come
John’s Message
“In order to stay competitive in the 21st Business Century, with Technologies being developed at a pace never seen nor even imagined before, businesses must learn to think, act and approach businesss success with a new mindset
John Bosch